Introducing "Dempsey FC," the Clint Dempsey fish sandwich, served only in Nacogdoches | SIDELINE

The Clint Dempsey fish sandwich

Clint Dempsey is a fishing man, which we all knew already.

The pride of Nacogdoches, Texas, thanks to a wildly successful professional soccer career which includes two World Cup apperances and a memorable seven-year run in southwest and north London, Dempsey recently had the highest of honors bestowed upon him back home, combining two of the most prominent aspects of his life.

The Clint Dempsey fish-and-chips-style sandwich, dubbed "Dempsey FC," was recently added to the menu at The Liberty Bell, a bar in downtown Nacogdoches.

February 7, 2014

No word yet on whether or not the Seattle Sounders and US national team star is the one out there on those East Texas waters, reeling in the fish used to make his own sandwich.

Either way, the
next time
first time ever I'll be rolling through East Texas on my way to who-knows-where, The Liberty Bell will have my business. One Dempsey FC for me, please, and hold the greens!
Things likes sandwiches named after pro athletes are a fairly common occurrence, so what other MLS or US national team stars have been honored with a special dish named after them?