Austin FC co-owner Matthew McConaughey shares inspirational Twitter video about COVID-19

Matthew McConaughey - Austin FC investor

Austin FC co-owner Matthew McConaughey took to Twitter earlier this week to share an inspiring message about the COVID-19 epidemic and offer support.

McConaughey spoke to how the virus is a common enemy for all people, regardless of their political views, religion, gender and background. Despite the toll it’ll take socially and economically, McConaughey is confident we’ll come out better on the other side.

“There is a green light on the other side of this red light that we’re in right now,” said McConaughey. “I believe that green lights can be built on the values that we can enact right now – values of fairness, kindness, accountability, resilience, respect, courage. If we practice those things right now, when we get out of this, this virus, this time might be the one time that brings us all together and unifies like us like we have not been in a long time." 

McConaughey, an acclaimed and award-winning Hollywood actor, is also the Minister of Culture for Austin FC, an expansion team joining MLS in 2021. He holds the same role at the University of Texas, where he’s given several inspirational speeches to their football and basketball teams.

And so, McConaughey concluded with a metaphor of sorts that looks at the brighter side.

“So, yes, let’s see if we can make some lemonade out of this lemon that we’re in the middle of," McConaughey said. "Turn a red light into a green light, just keep living."