Bracket Challenge: Fill out second "redemption" bracket!

Bracket Challenge - 2017 - Redemption Bracket - make your picks
Bracket Challenge: Fill out second "redemption" bracket! -

Is your bracket busted? Did you make picks you'd like to forget?

The old proverb reminds us, "to err is human; to forgive, divine." That's why we are offering all fans a chance to fill out a second playoff bracket.

Starting today you can sign into your existing bracket and fill out a new "Redemption Bracket" for a chance to win a $1,000 credit to use on Fans that didn't create a bracket in October can participate by creating an account and filling out a redemption bracket.

After you make your picks, you can create or join new leagues. You'll already be placed in your existing leagues, so you do not have to have rejoin your current leagues.

Redemption Brackets lock at 8:00 PM ET on Tuesday, November 21.

Fill out a second bracket