Join MLS in supporting #KeepHerInTheGame

Join Gatorade, MLS, and the soccer community in supporting young female athletes to stay in the game.

Did you know?

  • In 1971, one in 27 high school girls participated in sports.
  • In 2012, one in 2.5 high school girls play sports!

In 1972, Title IX gave women and men equal access to federally funded programs. That means your mother, your wife, your sister and even YOU have seen equal opportunities to be a young athlete.

However, while we have managed to gain young girls equal access to sports, they're still dropping out at twice the rate boys do by age 14. 

We want to help change this trend.


  • A girl who participates in sports is more likely to get better grades and graduate high school with scholarships to college.
  • A girl who participates in sports is less likely to get involved in drugs. 
  • A girl who participates in sports will have greater confidence and self-esteem keeping her from depression and eating disorders.
  • A girl who participates in sports is less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior or become pregnant.

How can you help?

Support the cause by changing your profile picture to your 14 year-old self (or a special female in your life like your daughter or wife) playing sports. Tweet about how playing sports helped you get to where you are today using the #KeepHerInTheGame hashtag. Most importantly, continue to encourage your daughter, granddaughter, niece, sister and friends to keep her in the game.

For more information, visit

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