Here's an Atlanta United and Migos photo opp

Migos and Atlanta United academy kids 2017

Hello, here's a pick-me-up in case you need one. So far Atlanta United's senior team has had the likes of Yung Joc and Rich Homie Quan in the stands or hammering the team's "Golden Spike," and Lil Jon and Big Boi record in-stadium hype videos. But so far, fellow ATL titans Migos have been missing from the mutual soccer-and-hip-hop admiration society. 

Until today! Kind of. Some Atlanta United academy kids got this photo opp, which we will now share for your late-afternoon enjoyment. Maybe a Migos visit to Mercedes-Benz Stadium is on the horizon after all. 

UPDATE: Apparently this is about a year old but, since it hasn't circulated widely on Soccer Twitter lately, it's New to You. 

UPDATE AGAIN: Here's a more recent Migos sighting in Atlanta United territory.