MLS Newsstand – Thursday, Dec. 1, 2005

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  • Keller nears finish at the top (Los Angeles Daily News)

  • San Jose might subsidize new Earthquakes stadium (Associated Press)

  • On field, Best was best; off it, his demons won (Houston Chronicle)

  • Pro soccer to look at Hashimoto (Honolulu Advertiser)

  • Wake's Moose selected for MLS player combine (Greensboro News-Record)

  • Keller Voted U.S. Soccer Player of Year (Associated Press)

  • Mexico's Chivas names Westerhof as coach (Associated Press)

  • Adidas exec gets soccer challenge (The Oregonian)

  • The Joy Is Ronaldinho's, but the Pleasure Is All Ours (International Herald Tribune)

  • Copa Libertadores keeps 38-team format (Associated Press)

  • Fans' Racism Returns to Taint Games in Italy and Spain (International Herald Tribune)

  • Manchester United Pays Tribute to Best (Associated Press)