MLS Newsstand - Feb. 25, 2008

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More fans flock to see Beckham, Ching finale (Honolulu Advertiser)

Gamba steals the show (Associated Press)

J-League team thumps MLS champ (Soccer America)

Galaxy takes 3rd behind Beckham (Associated Press)

Beckham moves on to South Korea (Los Angeles Times)

Vacation over for Dynamo (Houston Chronicle)

Bliss will fill many roles (Columbus Dispatch)

Extra time to get ready (Washington Times)

Red Bulls Make Moves (New York Post)

RSL: RSL acquires fiery N.Y. midfielder (Salt Lake Tribune)

Kamara scores twice; Quakes win (Mercury News)

Soccer not real story (Philadelphia Inquirer)

Clock ticking for South Florida's MLS prospects (South Florida Sun-Sentinel)

Fans come out for MLS (South Florida Sun-Sentinel)