Player Details


Ben Zemanski


5' 11"


150 lbs

Date of Birth

5.12.1988 (36)


Akron, OH USA


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Career Summary

Out of contract following 2017 season.

Every team can use a steady, unerring midfielder like Ben Zemanski. Raised in the crucible of passing soccer in those Caleb Porter Akron teams of the late-aughts, Zemanski’s career is studded with a deep interest in circulating possession and putting up a brick wall to opposition attacks. Zemanski can do a bit of everything, from defending to shuttling possession between the back and front lines. 

COLLEGE: Zemanski was on Caleb Porter’s first ever Akron team, and the team’s rise to the loftiest heights of college soccer was due in no small part to Zemanski’s steady presence in the middle for four quality years.