Return to Play: "Is not just returning to play"

Return to play refers to the stage of recovery when the athlete is able to return to competition safely. The emphasis is on a safe return at the same level and intensity prior to the injury. With many injuries, athletes attempt to return to their respective sport before they are ready or without sufficient rehabilitation. These athletes typically sustain a re-injury or the inability to perform at a pre-injury level. In order to avoid this pitfall, athletes should follow three basic recovery principles before returning to play.

The first recovery principle is often referred to as the acute phase. During this time rest, ice, compression, and elevation (R.I.C.E.) are emphasized. Depending on the extent of the injury, an athlete may need crutches or immobilization (brace, sling, etc.) to rest the affected body part. Once the bodies inflammatory response is under control the athlete can move on to the second recovery phase, range of motion and flexibility. This phase of recovery is especially important for athletes who have been immobilized since a period of immobilization tends to decrease range of motion. Maintaining fitness through modified workouts is also important during this phase. After range of motion and flexibility goals are met, the athlete can begin the strength and endurance recovery phase.

The amount of strength training required will depend on the extent of the injury. As the athlete's strength improves it is important to add exercises that restore balance and muscle coordination. Once the athlete can perform these exercises in a controlled environment such as a rehab facility, the final phase is to begin sport specific training on the practice field. Only after full participation during training, can the athlete return to match competition.

Remember these key points when returning to play after an injury:

  1. Early injury recognition and treatment speeds recovery.
  2. Modified fitness training during rehabilitation speeds recovery.
  3. Functional rehabilitation including a sports specific program is essential to recovery.
  4. Stay positive and focused during rehabilitation.