League Announcement

Healey: MLS is one of the world's top 10 leagues

It's one of the favorite pastimes of MLS supporters (and detractors): Figuring out where the league stands in the grand scheme of things.

Most feel it's somewhere between 10 and 15, and ESPN's Adrian Healey comes in at the upper limit of that range.

"I feel it is now a top 10 league in the world. I would say it’s right in the mix now with something like the Dutch Eredivisie in terms of the talent, the standard of play and the infrastructure," Healey told Prost Amerika on Wednesday in a must-read interview. "The only thing it doesn’t have yet is a history and a body of work, but that is coming. It has made amazing strides in just over a decade and a half."

Anyway, where do you feel MLS ranks among the world's leagues?