The most shocking dive you'll ever see.

Rough one for Leonardo Bonucci this weekend.

A defender, clearly excited at the rare prospect of scoring a goal from the run of play, was also clearly caught in two minds about the best way to accomplish the task at hand. 

Then things got really ugly for the Juventus centerback. You almost have to applaud him for an effort gone so terribly wrong: 

After the match Bonucci did the sensible thing, taking to Twitter to make amends:

"Dovevo tirare invece le idee mi hanno inceppato. Giusta l'ammonizione, brutto esempio. Mi serva da lezione. Per il resto gran vittoria."

If you're Italian is lacking polish these days (like ours), Google Translate has you covered:

"I had to pull instead of the ideas I was stuck. Just a caution, bad example. I serve as a lesson. For the rest, great victory."

Not nearly as entertaining as Dax McCarty's reaction to a similar situation this August, but apology accepted nonetheless.