United Newsstand -- Oct. 15, 2007

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Major Print

United Secures First Place, But Isn't Celebrating Yet (The Washington Post)
For United, the Grass Looks Greener (The Washington Post)
United drops two points in tie (The Washington Times)
D.C. not biting on United threat to move stadium site (The Washington Examiner)
United, Fire play to scoreless tie, extend unbeaten streaks (The Washington Examiner)


What is Ours, Again (The DCenters)
Supporters' Shield Clinched (DC Soccer)
DCU Wins Supporters' Shield (Soccer Insider)
The Only Thing I Care About(The Offside)
D.C. United vs. Chicago Fire(Off Wing Opinion)
DC United win Supporter Shield(An American's view on Futbol/Football/Soccer)
United Wins Second Consecutive Supporters Shield (UnitedMania.com)