United newsstand -- March 7, 2008


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Major Print

United's Quaranta Comes Full Circle (Washington Post)
Santino Quaranta returns to club after 2 years (Washington Examiner)
United signs veteran Quaranta to contract (Washington Examiner)
D.C. United Defeats Chivas USA in Exhibition Game (WTOP News)
The 3-5-2: Remember these names (Goal.com)
United Double Up Goats (Soccer365)


A Sporting Issue (The Washington Post)
Quaranta and DCU, Together Again (Soccer Insider)
Morning Kickaround (Soccer Insider)
Quaranta Thoughts (The Pitch)
Let's Make a Deal (The DCenters)
D.C. United win twice in same day over Chivas USA (Potomac Soccer Wire)
Coming Together the United Way (UnitedMania)