Ricardo Clark reflects on MLK Day

Clark (top) calls MLK his role model stating, "If it weren't for him, I would not be playing soccer right now."

The third Monday of 2008 is upon us, and with it comes each citizen's duty and responsibility to remember and reflect on the contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King toward achieving racial equality in our country. Since 1986, Dr. King's birthday has been observed as a Federal Holiday, and since 2000 it has been celebrated in all 50 states of the union. Today, King's dream of a better life for minorities has helped make the dream of athletes like Dynamo midfielder Ricardo Clark a reality.

"(Dr. King) was a great individual. He was my role model when I was growing up," said Clark.

King's civil rights contributions helped open the door for minorities, including African-Americans, to carry out normal lives with normal ocupations. The risk of race-based discrimination has all but disappeared in the United States, which has allowed sports fans to enjoy the many talents that players like Clark display on the field.

"If it weren't for him, chances are I probably would not be playing soccer right now," said Clark. "He is a great inspiration for me, which should also be the case for everyone. He was a true visionary who fought to the end for what he believed in."