Q&A with Jason Gant

This Saturday, Jason Gant, Church of the Resurrection - Director of Youth Ministries, will be the keynote speaker for Faith & Family Night. KCWizards.com caught up with Jason prior to the event to ask him about soccer, his faith and Saturday's game.

  1. First off, as a Florida native, how are you dealing with midwestern weather?

I love it; seasons are great, although my wife is having a much tougher time adjusting to the cold weather. We both really love the outdoor recreation here, the great parks, awesome lakes, and camping! I do miss surfing though.

  1. What sports did you play as kid? Did you play soccer?

I grew up in one of those small southern towns that focused on football, basketball and baseball. I played them all and always thought it would be cool to play soccer! It seemed like this mysterious European sport. I had hoped to be a pro skater, although that didn't work out.

  1. As a soccer fan, what is your favorite soccer moment?

I can remember the first time I saw Alexi Lalas play. I loved his aggressive attitude. Carlos Valderrama was always a favorite to watch, and his hair added great color to the game! I used to go to the Tampa Bay Mutiny games when I served a church in Tampa, Florida. I can't think of one specific play, maybe it will be in this weekend's game-Go Wizards!

  1. What drew you to your calling as a youth pastor?

There was a pastor that spent time mentoring me as a teenager. He challenged me to serve as a camp counselor during college. He sold me by promising me I'd get to be a lifeguard and I would meet girls. I had no idea what God had planned for me. I still can't believe it! It's a great and humble place to be!

  1. What role do you think faith can play in athletics?

Athletics are such great character building activities. I think true community and accountability can come out of athletics. This is mirroring God's hope for the church, for all believers that we would "encourage one another up in love"!

  1. What is the overall goal of Faith & Family Night?

Reaching people by encouraging families to team-up with God in the home, on the field and in the community. What an awesome opportunity to reach people who are not yet believers, and to remind those of us who are believers to lean in on God as a teammate. Truly living a life "with God".

  1. Who is your favorite Wizards player?

I have got to go with the local boy, Ryan Raybould. I love the stories associated with sports, and to think about a guy who grew up here that gets to come back and represent on a professional level. That's the kind of thing dreams are made of!