MLS newsstand - Feb. 29, 2008

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MLS announces Philadelphia expansion team (Philadelphia Inquirer)

How will Chester play to MLS fans? (Philadelphia Inquirer)

Soccer community welcomes new team (Philadelphia Inquirer)

Philly scores big goal with MLS expansion (Philadelphia Daily News)

Developing MLS story in Philly (Boston Globe)

Major League Soccer Coming To Chester (Philadelphia Bulletin)

Chester lands pro soccer franchise (Wilmington News Journal)

Philadelphia awarded MLS franchise (Chester Daily Local)

Soccer star leaps through life (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Philadelphia beats out St. Louis for MLS team (St. Louis Business Journal)

Philadelphia lands an MLS franchise (Seattle Post Intelligencer)

O'Brien turfed out west (Toronto Sun)

O'Brien too risky for TFC (Toronto Star)

O'Brien knows the way to San Jose (National Post)

San Jose's offense gets a boost (Los Angeles Times)

Quaranta's Second Chance (Washington Post)

Desperate for a do-over (Washington Examiner)

Ralston still going strong (Boston Herald)

March Madness (Soccer America)

M.L.S. Welcomes Newest Team (New York