MLS newsstand -- April 8, 2008

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Sounders FC by fans' acclamation (Seattle Post Intelligencer)

Seattle's new soccer name: Seattle Sounders FC (Seattle Post Intelligencer)

Introducing, the Seattle Sounders (New York

What's in a (nick)name? (Soccer America)

Dynamo forced to travel light (Houston Chronicle)

Revs' Flood rises (Boston Herald)

Fire a polyglot team (Chicago Tribune)

Offsides rule faces a new offensive (Washington Examiner)

Gaven finally feels part of the crew (Newark Star-Ledger)

Reversals of Fortune (New York

Greed dooms FC Dallas in the end (Los Angeles Times)

SoCal well represented in MLS (San Bernardino Sun)

Worth his 'waite in Gold for Red Bulls (New York Daily News)

What the Mets lack (