ADA and Crew team up to fight diabetes

The American Diabetes Association and the Columbus Crew have partnered up for the Step out to fight Diabetes Walk this Sunday, October 28th from 8 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. The walk will take place on the site of COSI in downtown Columbus. This extraordinary event helps raise awareness about a devastating disease that affects more than 20 million children and adults in the U.S alone. For more than 60 years, the American Diabetes Association has made great progress in the fight against diabetes. The walk begins in the COSI building and loops around various exhibits along the way. Join the Crew as the team's staff will be in attendance along with Crew Cat as they will be walking in support for Georgie Saldana, a huge Crew fan, who is in the beginning stages of Diabetes. There will be entertainment at the venue such as Fortune Telling, Face Painting, a Scavenger Hunt and much more! Breakfast will be available all morning long. Registration is $15 per person and all proceeds benefit the search for the cure of this life-threatening disease. Please join the American Diabetes Association and the Columbus Crew as we Step Out to Fight Diabetes! For more information click here.